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Love Is Fucking Dead

Love is in part to be accepting of what is and that you cannot change. Being appreciative of things for what they are. Love cannot flourish in a narcissistic, consumerist, society where relationships are based solely on shallow considerations, maxims, imposed standards of behaviors and endless checklists of arbitrary turn on/off.

With the advent of mass media, television, magazines and most importantly the internet, we are bombarded from all sides with excellence, so much so we tend to believe it’s the norm. We become resentful and disgusted by the mundane and anything that is close to us. There’s no place for intimacy or vulnerability because of how others might react if they saw what lies beyond the fancy lighting and photoshop. How would someone react if they discovered you’re but a mere mortal?

You eat like the tube, you dress like the tube and you hate what isn’t like the tube. It was true in the 70’s when the movie the network came out and it’s even worse now. People are struck with anxiety and all sorts of mental illness and yet the tube says, if you’re not well then you are the problem because everyone in the tube is happy, laughing, living their best life. If you don’t you’re the bad one. Gobble your happy pill and indulge in mindless consumption and sex, just like in Brave New World. Become addicted to your servitude. Like a fucking crack addict.


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